Monday, October 18, 2010

Timothy Geithner, U.S. Treasury Secretary on Charlie Rose

I watched this recently, a very interesting segment....Check out the video here
Timothy Geithner on Charlie Rose

Charlie Rose Talks to Timothy Geithner

The U.S. Treasury Secretary discusses the global recovery, the ongoing American mortgage mess, and tensions with China over its currency

By Charlie Rose as in Bloomberg Businessweek

October 18, 2010

Tell me where the global economy is right now and what you expect to happen next.
The world's now healing. And it's growing. The IMF expects the world as a whole to expand at a rate of a little over 4 percent next year, which is not amazing but much better than we would have thought possible. But that overall number hides huge difference across regions. China, India, Brazil, emerging markets in Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe, they've got a long period of very rapid growth ahead of them. In Europe and Japan, growth is much weaker. In the U.S., the picture is mixed. Most economists think we're growing at a rate of about 2 percent. But the private forecasters say they expect the economy to strengthen gradually into 2011 and grow at about 3 percent. That's not fast enough for us. We want it to be faster.

We are, in my judgment, a substantial way through the process of healing, of fixing the things that were broken. The financial sector is much less leveraged, we've had a traumatic, huge adjustment in house prices across the country, and private savings rates have already increased quite significantly. Those things are really important for future growth, and they're encouraging. But they do mean that we're not growing as fast as we'd like, and I think Washington's got more work to do to try to provide some support for the economy.

Should there be a national moratorium on foreclosures?
What you're seeing in housing is a national tragedy, still very, very difficult. A lot of people were taken advantage of, and a lot of people were too optimistic about what they could afford. Now you've seen some banks suspend the foreclosure process so they can make sure that they're not causing any injustice to borrowers, and that's very important. But a national moratorium would be very damaging to exactly the kind of people we're trying to protect. We want to make sure we're holding [lenders] accountable. But we also want to make sure that we're not going to make the problem worse.

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