Monday, March 15, 2010

Venture Lists and Other Tidbits 2010 Still a Challenge for Start-Up Venture Funding

Are you in search of venture funding...BEWARE? Know what you are getting into and how much you are giving up when you deal with some of these funders. A venture capitalist's motto is maximum ROI (Return on Investment). There is no romance here, this is all about the money especially now as the economy is shifting. Being part of the dot com boom and bust during the 90's and living in the San Francisco Bay area was quite an experience QUITE for me. I am glad because it has taken a lot of the myth of the process and bull which I can now share with others. Respect to my Berkeley, CA posse of engineers, coders and entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs who know ahead of time that they are going to take this route as an exit strategy must do their due diligence and get to know the venture funders there are going to engage and who will engage them because indeed this will be an engagement until the bitter end or not, ultimately an attractive IPO (Initial Public Offering).

Many years ago, I read a book about Ron Conway, The Godfather of Silicon Valley: Ron Conway and the Fall of the Dot-coms (Paperback)-Gary Rivlin (Author). It is a great read and I was delighted to meet Mr. Conway in person last fall at an event hosted by Warren Lee and Canaan Partners called StartupAtWork. It's a great event. Check out Ron's investments at Crunchbase.

Venture Hacks is also an excellent source as well as Scott Digs, Venture Dig. Here is the list that he complied,

Keep your head high enough to touch the clouds and your reality grounded enough not to get into a Bad deal. If you are a start-up and are in the process of raising capital via this route or have other questions please feel free to fill out some initial questions. If you have problems with the form email Thanks

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